EU hails huge turnout in J&K

The European Parliament, on behalf of the European Union, today welcomed the smooth conduct of the first three phases of Assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir.
According to a press release by the European Parliament, the high voter turnout figure of 70 percent proved that democracy is firmly rooted in India.
The European Parliament also took cognizance of the fact that a large number of Kashmiri voters turned out despite calls for the boycott of elections by certain separatist forces. The spectacle of youth and women coming out in large numbers to vote bodes well for the functioning of Indian democracy.
The release further stated that enthusiastic voters standing in serpentine queues at several polling stations, waiting for their turn to vote has dealt a serious blow to separatist politics. “In light of the stupendous voter turnout in the Kashmir Valley, it is also time to re-examine the claims made by some separatist groups, operating mainly at the behest of India’s neighbouring State,” the release said.
The high voter turnout revealed that the people of Kashmir have complete faith in India’s democratic system and want to be an integral part of the country.
The European Union would like to congratulate India and its democratic system for the conduct of fair elections, unmarred by violence, in Jammu and Kashmir.
The European Union also committed to offer its complete cooperation with the Government of India in satisfying the aspirations of the people and establishing peace in Jammu and Kashmir.(Agencies)