Indo – Russia relations

The India-Russia bilateral summit held in Goa on October 15 along with the BRICS summit, signals a significant chapter in the evolving relationship between the two old and tested friends. The slew of agreements signed during the summit indicate that India has kept full trust again in its ally for decades for defence deals. The purchase of S-400 Triumf long rage air defence system from Russia testifies India’s recognition of Russia as a power with high tech capability.
The readiness of the Indian side to seek maximum collaboration from the Russian Government in energy sector including the setting up of two more of nuclear power plants at Kudankulum, is a reflection of the latest appraisal made by the Modi Government that it is far more beneficial for India to deal with Russia in defence and energy matters than with the United States. In the period after the installation of the Modi regime, the US pressure was at its peak and the impression was gaining ground that the Modi regime will delink itself to a big extent from Russia in terms of defence deals and switch over to the US for defence purchases. The Goa agreements have nullified that impression.
Yours etc….
Arun Srivastava
New Delhi