Lecture on India-Pak friendship to mark 100th birth anny of late Gandhian M C Davar

NEW DELHI, Apr 24:
An international lecture on  India-Pakistan friendship will be held soon to mark the 100th birth anniversary of late M C Davar, a revolutionary freedom fighter turned Gandhian, a staunch Nehruvite and devoted Congressman.
Top leaders of Pakistan have been invited to attend the lecture on the occasion of the 100th birth anniversary of late Mr Davar, which falls tomorrow, his son and former AICC secretary Praveen Davar said.
Captain Praveen Davar said the International lecture  on India Pakistan friendship will be among several programmes organised during the birth centenary year  of the late Gandhian.
Efforts to prevent Partition of India, refugee rehabilitation and promoting Indo-Pak amity were some of the highlights  of his career, spanning half-a-century, till his demise  in November 1977.
Captain Davar said that members of the Bhutto family  are among the top Pakistani leaders invited to attend the  international lecture on India-Pakistan friendship.
He said in memory of Davar, who was a homoeopath  by profession, a conference on homoeopathy is also  being organised. Also on the anvil is the release  of a postage stamp in his memory.
Born on April 24, 1913, Dr M C Davar was a student revolutionary, a freedom fighter, a staunch Nehruite  in his political ideology, an ardent Gandhian in his personal life, a renowned homoeopath in his professional  life, a passionate crusader against partition of the  country and a messiah for refugees from Pakistan.
Starting as revolutionary in his school and college  life, Dr Davar embraced Congress after witnessing  the ceremony of Pt Jawaharlal Nehru taking over as Congress President from his illustrious father Motilal  Nehru in December 1929 at Lahore. He courted arrest  during the Salt Satyagraha in April 1930 and later,  from 1940 to 1946 made herculean efforts to prevent partition of India. He formed the United Party of  India with the aim of removing the growing chasm  between Congress and Muslim League.
Some of the records of the frantic efforts made by Dr. Davar to prevent vivisection, for which be blamed the  British bureaucracy, are available in Nehru Memorial  Library, New Delhi. This includes his correspondence  with Pt Jawaharlal Nehru, Rajaji, M A Jinnah, Sir  Sikandar Hayat Khan and Liaquat Ali Khan, then Prime  Minister of United Punjab.
As President of all India Refugee Convention and  member of Central Govt High Powered Committee on Refugee  Rehabilitation, he contributed very substantially in  rehabilitation of lakhs of refugees in Delhi and  eastern parts of Punjab (now Haryana).
Dr Davar passionately promoted Indo-Pak amity,  including leading a ‘Goodwill Mission’ to Pakistan in  1955 on which editorials were written in leading Pakistan  papers. He mooted the idea of a confederation with  Pakistan in 1956 which was later endorsed by Pt. Nehru  who declared in 1960 “confederation with Pakistan remains  our ultimate goal”.
In 1971, when Bangladesh came into existence, Dr Davar  added the erstwhile East Pakistan to his idea to make  it ‘Confederation of India Pakistan and Bangladesh’.
As President council of Indo-Pak affairs he consistently  advocated a “No War Pact” between the countries.
Zulfikar Bhutto, who was Pakistan’s foreign minister  in 1965 assured him in writing that “Pakistan will not be found wanting in peace”.
Dr Davar also played a major role in promoting Hindi-Chini  bhai bhai, but became China’s bitter critic after the 1962  war when he coined the slogan “Jai Jawan Jai Jawahar” and poetically appealed to each Indian family to donate  ‘one man and one tola gold’ and see how Chinese are easily  rolled.
Dr M C Davar was a prominent Congress campaigner who  was given the privilege of campaigning, in Pt Jawaharlal  Nehru’s parliamentary constituency of Phulpur in 1952,1957 and 1962. He was later deputed for the byelection in Phulpur in which Vijaylakshmi Pandit was the candidate after the  demise of Pt Nehru in 1964.
In the AICC he handled the task of President, Mandal  Organisation which spread over 18,000 mandals (blocks) in  the country in mid fifties during the presidentship of  UN Dhebar. At the Kalayani session of the Congress in 1954 he strongly opposed the formation of linguistic  states which he felt will adversely effect the unity and  integrity of India.
A great crusader for peace, especially in South Asia,  Dr Davar accompanied Pt Jawaharlal Nehru to Sri Lanka  (then Ceylon) in 1954 for the meeting of South Asian  Prime Ministers.
After the demise of Pt Jawaharlal Nehru with whom he  had great emotional and political attachment, Dr Davar  forcefully advocated the setting up of a Nehru Peace Foundation to propagate universal peace and disarmament. (UNI)