Memories of Shoba Nehru

O P  Sharma

B.K. Nehru who remained as Governor of Jammu and Kashmir from Feb 22,1981 to April 26,1984 and his wife Shoba Nehru are still  remembered for their positive and constructive role. He was an able administrator and a fine-grade person who had an admirable civil service career, served as diplomat in the U.S   and later  was  Governor of Assam, Jammu and Kashmir and Gujarat State.  B K Nehru was related to Nehru-Gandhi family and passed away at the age of 92 during the  year 2001.
Social Service
Shoba Nehru too has rendered memorable service to the people of Jammu and Kashmir in the field of social welfare especially for the education and empowerment of women.
As the First Lady of the State, she was Chairperson, Jammu and Kashmir Social Welfare Board, during the period B.K Nehru was the Governor, and played a crucial part in the uplift of the weaker and vulnerable sections of the society. She was a hard task master herself and motivated the team of her Board members and workers to make valuable contribution.  Inspiring every worker, she would lead from the front  in moving the jammed wheels of administration to work with  selfless spirit.
I vividly remember that the Chairman, J&K Social Welfare Board office was located in the Mubarak Mandi complex, Jammu on the first floor of the Jammu Treasury building during the period  in 1982. She would invariably occupy the front seat in the chauffer-driven official car to reach the office from Raj Bhawan. The people would watch with and appreciation as even any ” insignificant official” would  enjoy the rear seat for comfort and show. She was strict disciplinarian, soft-spoken in Hindustani and punctual to the minute  and has carved a niche in the hearts of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.
Vivid Memories
She passed away  on April 25,2017 in Kasauli in Himachal Pradesh at the ripe age of 108 years and her last rites were performed on Wednesday in Chandigarh. She has three sons: Aditya, Ashok and Anil. It may be recalled that she was born in Budapest in Hungary during 1908  and her real name was Magdolna Friedmann while after  marriage with B K Nehru  remained in India as Shoba Nehru and also called “Fori” Nehru . She had varied interests and was a well travelled person. They used to reside at Rani Bagh, New Delhi or lived in Chandigarh but   she was spending last phase of her life in   charming village, Kasauli in Himachal Pradesh.
I had the opportunity to interview her as Chairperson, J&K Social Welfare Board during 1983 about the functioning and achievements of this institution of people’s welfare. This interview was published among others in the Daily Excelsior  and few other papers and magazines  She struck me as an able administrator, deeply interested in uplift of  weaker sections as also women and handicapped persons.
Mrs Nehru would herself work hard and inspire her team to put in their best to achieve optimal results for the common people. It is worth mentioning that she worked for the refugees of Partition in 1947 and was a moving spirit in setting up of Central Cottage Industries Emporium, Delhi. In J&K State, she had made the Raj Bhawan as hub of social welfare activities.
Fondly Remembered
The tenure of B K Nehru, Governor   in J&K State  was rather short when  he was shifted to Raj Bhawan,  in the  Gujarat State.  And his better-half Shoba Nehru too left the  State but their longings for Jammu and Kashmir remained ever-fresh in their minds and the common people of this State too still fondly remember both B K Nehru as well as Shoba Nehru. The people in this state too mourned the demise of  Shoba Nehru and recalled their service and contribution.
(Starline Syndicate Service)