Pak seeks India’s cooperation for regional peace and stability


NEW DELHI/MUMBAI, Apr 29: Pakistan High Commissioner to India Abdul Basit today called upon the two countries to take “irreversible steps forward” for peace, prosperity and regional stability.

“We need to move beyond stereotypes. Our people deserve far better. Above all they deserve to live in peace and we should enable them to realise their maximum,” he said in his keynote address on ‘Pakistan India: Economic opportunities and Political Challenges’ at ‘Gateway House: Indian council on global relations’ in Mumbai.

In recent weeks, Mr Basit has been insisting at various interactions in the national capital that the Nawaz Sharif Government was ready to work in full cooperation with any Government that comes to power in India after the general elections.

The text of his speech in Mumbai was released by the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi.

Pointing out that the economic potential between the two countries was huge, Mr Basit said, “Let’s take irreversible steps forward and work together for peace and prosperity”.

The Pakistan High Commissioner said ‘Globalisation sans regional integration would never realise its full potential. “Regional stability is in our mutual interest,” he said.

Pointing out that his country was rich in natural and human resources, he said that when “our two countries are able to work together, opportunities multiply to our mutual benefit.”

He sought to underline that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s region-first vision was not only timely but futuristic.

“Regional connectivity, interdependence and integration are the best hope to put our people on the trajectory of well being and prosperity,” he said.   (UNI)