Sub-Centre Handwara “shaking”

The effects of tremors of 2005 may nowhere be in sight or in feeling in Kashmir valley, but the sub- centre in Handwara speaks differently and reminds those who are responsible about its continued shattered condition. In other words, even after 13 years, building of a sub- centre which was damaged in the earthquake of 2005 in Handwara has not materialized so far which reflects upon how much serious attention was given to the healthcare in the State especially in rural areas.
This sub- centre at Krumbhura in Handwara area of North Kashmir’s Kupwara district was catering to the needs of dozens of villages around and which got extensively damaged in the quakes of 2005 has not been restored and the centre, instead, operates from a rented room. The patients suffer due to inadequate infrastructure, with only single nursing orderly on duty in this sub- centre coupled with lacking in providing the elementary basic facilities. Expecting mothers are reported to be worst sufferers as arranging convenience at higher rates at odd hours, they have to reach the sub- district Hospital Handwara. When no vehicle is available, the patients have to be carried on shoulders up to the hospital.
Director Health Services Kashmir and other authorities need to swing into action so that the people, in particular children and women patients, do not suffer any longer. The sub- centre may be repaired soon and restored with provision of minimum basic facilities, at least.