Writers in exile term return of awards drama to tarnish India’s image

Excelsior Correspondent

Dr Agnishekhar and other writers at a press conference at Jammu on Wednesday. —Excelsior/Rakesh
Dr Agnishekhar and other writers at a press conference at Jammu on Wednesday. —Excelsior/Rakesh

JAMMU, Nov 4: Exiled litterateurs of Kashmir have expressed their grave shock and disapproval of the systematic campaign unleashed by a segment of writers and artists to project very selective and biased perspectives of happenings in the country during recent times.
Expressing their dismay over the role of these selective writers at a press conference here today the representatives of Sanmukh (a Forum for Writers  & Artists in Exile) Dr Agnishekhar, a Hindi scholar,  Dr Kshema Kaul, a well known writer , Gokal Dembi eminent artists and Shiban Khebri a columnist said the campaign seekers  have presented a very dismal picture of Indian people before world community at large and this has hurt the feelings of the nationalist people throughout the country.
Taking head on these writers, Dr Agnishekhar said the writers in exile are greatly hurt the way of protest chosen by them. He said over 4.5 lakh Pandits have been forced to leave the Valley of Kashmir, 1500 were killed, some were lynched but no one among these writers raised their voice against the genocide.
He said NHRC in its judgment termed the mass exodus of KPs akin to genocide. Maintaining that the Sanmukh is shocked over the killing of the Kanad writer but at the same time it wants to know where these writers were when Sarwanand Kaul Premi a renowned Kashmiri and Urdu writer and poet, and Lassa Kaul Director Door Darshan and many other intellectuals were killed in Kashmir but no one talked about them.
He said a hue and cry was raised over Gujarat but no one talked about the Godhra where over 60 people were set ablaze. These writers maintained a stoic silence over the massacres of Pandits and now they are hell bent to defame the nation, he added.
Dr Agnishekhar, while criticizing these writers said Forum condemns their action as they talk on selective subject.
Lambasting the writers who returned Sahitya Academy awards Dr Kshema Kaul termed them as supporters of Jehadis having soft corner for separatists as well as supporters of cultural genocide.
Dr Kaul termed these writers a grave threat to national unity. These writers were exposed before the nation as they are in league with such agencies who want to break India as their actions are anti India and they marginalized our society, she added.
Terming migration of Pandits a biggest tragedy after partition of 1947, Shiban Khebri a columnist said the KPs are victims of selective secularism. He added a single episode was blown out of proportion as no one talked about Nadimarg, Wandhama, Chattisingpora etc in Kashmir.
He said at Nadimarg 27 bullets were pierced in the body of a small boy but for these writers his blood was thicker than water.  “Among the writers who returned awards some were from Kashmir and they are witness to our genocide but they remained mum. It is a conspiracy against the nation when big investors from abroad are coming to India for investment”, he added.