10K Govt School still lack playground; 6K without electricity in J&K

*UT of Ladakh much better than J&K
Goldi Sharma
JAMMU, Apr 3: It may sound bizarre but true that more than 10, 000 Government schools in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir are without playgrounds, while 6067 schools are functioning without electricity.
Moreover, the newly framed Union Territory of Ladakh is much better than the J&K in terms of these facilities as out of 838 schools, 624 have playground facilities and 781 schools are running with electricity.
The data was revealed by the Union Education Ministry today during the reply of the question on the floor of the Parliament, which read as: In total of 23173 schools in Jammu and Kashmir, wherein 54.1 percent ((12541)) Government schools in the various districts of the Union Territory have playground facilities, while others 46 percent (10632) are without the same facilities.
In terms of electricity in the Government schools, 73.8 percent of schools have no electricity, while 26.8 percent have no facility of electricity.
In the country, a total 1022386 Government schools are functional, wherein 742087 schools (72.6 percent) have playground facilities, while 908774 schools (88.9 percent) are operating with electricity and remaining were lacking these facilities.
In States, Maharashtra is on top of the pedestal in providing these facilities with 90 % and 93 percent Schools having playground and electricity facilities, while Maghalaya at the bottom is the table in terms of these facilities with 39 percent schools having playgrounds and 18 percent schools having electricity facilities.
In comparison to neighboring States including Himachal Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana, the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir is lagging behind in providing these facilities. In Himachal Pradesh, 85.7 & 98.4 percent Govt. schools have playground and electricity facilities respectively, while in Punjab, 96.7 percent schools have playground and 100 percent electricity and in Haryana, the facilities are available as 85.7 & 98.4 respectively.
In comparison of Union Territories, the newly framed Union Territory of Ladakh is much better than J&K with 74.5 percent schools having playground facilities, while 93.2 percent schools having electricity facilities, while Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu are among top to provide these facilities with 99.7 percent Schools having playground and with 100 pc schools with electricity facilities.
Lakshadweep have playground & electricity (97 & 100 percent respectively), Andaman & Nicobar having 95.9 & 91.2 respectively, Delhi have 95 percent & 100 pc, Chandigarh’s 94.3 & 100 percent respectively), Ladakh with 74.5 & 93.2 percent facilities, respectively and Puducherry having 87 percent playground & 100 electricity facilities.
The Central Government through its various Central Sponsored Schemes like Khelo India of Youth Services and Sports and Samagra Shiksha of Ministry of Education are providing sufficient funds to the States and Union Territories for bridging these gaps which create hurdles in the overall development of the students but unfortunately, the Government like J&K is becoming laggard to provide these facilities.