11 Nagaland legislators quit, CM says Govt stable

In fresh trouble for Nagaland Chief Minister T R Zeliang, 11 of his Naga People’s Front (NPF) legislators – two ministers, four MLAs and five parliamentary secretaries resigned today demanding change of leadership.
However, R Zeliang claimed his Government was stable.
The 11 NPF legislators in their resignation letters addressed to the Chief Minister said they are quitting from their respective portfolios with immediate effect, as majority of NPF and DAN legislators have elected Kaito Aye as the new leader of NPF Legislature Party.
They also asserted that Zeliang no longer enjoyed the support and confidence of the members of the House.
The Ministers who resigned include Noke Konyak and Dr Benjongliba, Parliamentary Secretaries are Torechu, Kropol Vitsu, Dr Longriniken, Deo Nukhu, while the MLAs holding charge of various government undertakings are Merentoshi R Jamir, Namri Nchang, Dr Neiphrezo Keditsu, E E Pangteang and Naiba Konyak.
The Chief Minister was yet to accept the resignations.
Earlier in the day, Zeliang asserted that his government was secure with the support of adequate number of legislators from the Naga People’s Front (NPF) and the Democratic Alliance of Nagaland (DAN) partners.
Zeliang had yesterday met Governor P B Acharya with NPF president Dr Shurhozelie and explained the status of the Government.
This was the second time within a span of seven months of his leadership that a situation had been created in the state by some disgruntled NPF elected members, Zeliang said after the meeting and termed it as a “total disregard of the people’s mandate”.
The Chief Minister faced an open rebellion on January 5 with dissident NPF legislators claiming they had elected a new leader. (AGENCIES)