Swachhagraha Abhiyan

The Prime Minister invoked Gandhi Ji’s Satyagraha against colonial rule for mooting Swachhagraha Abhiyan in the country with as much fervor as lay at the root of Gandhi Ji’s Satyagraha. Two years ago, the Prime Minister gave the call for Swachh Bharat. He symbolically took the broom in his hand and swept the street. The Nation has to take inspiration from the leader. He is not Gandhiji but his message has the same warmth, sincerity and seriousness behind which Gandhiji’s call for Satyagraha was. It is not true that the call for Swachh Bharat had no impact and the cynics show pictures of garbage lying on the roadside. Do they expect that Modi will come out and clean the garbage in all the streets and roads and lanes of India? The leader gives a message, the people must follow. And people of India have responded. But the magnitude of the problem is immense to the extent that it will take years to achieve full success. The achievement, as rightly stated by the PM is that the conscience of the people is awoken to something serious that needs to be done. This awakening is the first success of the Abhiyan. As the times move, the day is not far away when India will be a clean and beautiful country.