Teacher in Uri creates Android app, website to help students

Teacher who developed Android app, website for Govt HSS Nambla Uri in North Kashmir Baramulla.-Excelsior/Aabid Nabi
Teacher who developed Android app, website for Govt HSS Nambla Uri in North Kashmir Baramulla.-Excelsior/Aabid Nabi

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Aug 16: In an attempt to make use of his skills, a teacher from Uri has created a website as well as an Android application for the benefits of the students studying at the school he has been posted at.
Aijaz Sheikh, hailing from Chandanwari village of district Baramulla,created a website for his school, Govt Higher Secondary Nambla on which the students and the staff are being kept informed about various happenings.
Sheikh has utilized the limited 2G internet services available in Kashmir to create a website and then, later, an android application-for making it easy for the students.
“This should have taken me just 15 days, but it took me around 3 months to get it done for the betterment of the students of my school and the staffers there,” he told Excelsior.
He said that while the website was created a few months back, the android application was published just 8 days ago and has been downloaded by the students who are taking benefit of it.
“Regarding the components, it has all in it, notifications, to results to the process of admission-while the students are being helped with it, it is also going to help us that time of new admissions; we will be able to collect the all the information from the students at one time,” he said.
He added that the students will not require coming to us from Monday to Saturday, “it will help a great deal, moreover, the students of lower classes will get an early exposure to the information technology,” he said.
He appreciated the role of the concerned Cheif education Officer (CEO) as well as the Principal of the school, who encouraged him to take up the initiative.
In future, Sheikh is planning to add the component of digital library to the website as well as to the application.
With regard to the know-how of IT among the children of lower classes, he said that the students of class 11 and 12 are very well aware of it and the rest needs to be educated, made aware of it.
“50% of children are aware of it, for the rest, they need to be taught and once we expose them to the technology, they will surely learn,” he said.