Ashura-e-Hussaini processions taken out amidst strict observance of SOPs in Kargil

Ashura procession being taken out in Kargil on Sunday. -Excelsior/Basharat Ladakhi
Ashura procession being taken out in Kargil on Sunday. -Excelsior/Basharat Ladakhi

Excelsior Correspondent
KARGIL Aug 30: Paying rich tributes and commemorating the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain and his faithful companions in the battle of Karbala, the Ashura processions were taken out with immense religious fervor in Kargil district today amidst strict observance of COVID-19 SOPs put in place by the administration.
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On Ashura, the 10th day of Muharram, Prophet Muhammad’s grandson, Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S) and his companions achieved martyrdom, 13th centuries ago to save humanity and the values of Islam.
The mourners in the mourning processions were wailing and beating their chests in the memory of Imam Hussain and his 72 companions who made supreme sacrifices for the upliftment of truth, righteousness, justice and human values.
In view of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, only two processions were taken out in Kargil town this year with limited number of mourners in each case.
The processions under the banner of Anjuman -e- Jamiatul Ul emaisna Ashariya, Kargil (AJUIAK), Islamia School Kargil and Imam Khomeini Memorial Trust (IKMT) after passing through the Main Bazar Kargil culminated at Qatilgah and Hussaini Park Kargil where the scholars delved on the essence of the martyrdom of Imam Hussain and the message of the triumph of good over evil which emanates from the tragedy of Karbala. Meanwhile, special prayers were also made to free humanity from the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.
The scholars of AJUIAK and IKMT Kargil expressed gratitude to the UT administration Ladakh, LAHDC Kargil and district administration Kargil for giving permission for organizing Muharram congregations as well as processions on 9th and 10th Muharram amidst proper observance of SOPs.
The speakers also expressed congratulated the frontline workers particularly the doctors and paramedics and other officers and officials of the health, police, MC, Revenue and other concerned departments for always remaining on the frontline for the safety and security of the people from the deadly COVID-19 pandemic without caring for their precious lives.
Meanwhile, the district administration, Kargil had made elaborate arrangements to ensure the smooth and proper conduct of the mourning processions amid the observance of SOPs in letter and spirit.
The processions were held under the close supervision and coordination of the magistrates, police officers, Nodal Officers, Management Committee members and volunteers of AJUIAK and IKMT so as to ensure the implementation of SOPs in a proper manner.
Special focus was laid on strict adherence of measures like usage of masks, maintenance of proper social distancing, usage of thermal scanners, hand sanitizers, sanitization of the places of processions and other required measures.
Ashura processions were also held at Sub Divisional Headquarter Drass, Sankoo, Shakar Chiktan and several other parts of the district amidst strict observance of COVID-19 SOPs with participation of limited number of mourners.