Week long spiritual pilgrimage for restoration of peace on Indo-China border organized

Bhikkhu Sanghasena along with his Shangrila team during pilgrimage to Changthang region of Ladakh.
Bhikkhu Sanghasena along with his Shangrila team during pilgrimage to Changthang region of Ladakh.

Excelsior Correspondent
LADAKH, Sept 1: Week long spiritual pilgrimage dedicated for restoration of peace on the Indo-China border in Changthang region of Ladakh and distribution of relief materials to the nomadic community living there in the wake of Coronavirus pandemic was organized by Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre led by Bhikkhu Sanghasena.
Inline to the relief and restoring services rendered by MIMC for peace and happiness in the world, Bhikkhu Sanghasena recently led a highly significant week-long spiritual pilgrimage to Changthang region of Ladakh along with his Shangrila Team.
The primary purpose of embarking on this spiritual pilgrimage was to offer sincerest prayer for deescalating the border conflict and restoration of peace and cooperation through peaceful means at the Indo-China border in Changthang region of Ladakh.
The rising tension between Asian’s two giant and neighbouring countries, India and China, is a matter of huge concern for the entire world and its future. Therefore, in life’s circumstances where medicines, technology and ideologies fail, prayers and good wishes succeed.
With this firm belief, this dedicated tour was purely focused on meditation, prayer for world peace, chanting of healing mantras, counselling and teaching based on compassion for a peaceful and harmonious world. Ever since the border crises erupted, as a sincere follower of Non-violent teachings of the Buddha Sanghasena had been very much concerned about the growing tension between the two nations. He has been therefore actively sending appeals to the concerned respected leaders and peace loving people in the country and world to come together to avoid war and find peaceful solutions.
The team also visited the three war memorials of Indo-China war of 1962 namely 13 Kumaon RezangLa Memorial, 13 Field Regiment Chuchul Memorial and Gorkha Memorial and offered their sincerest prayer and tribute to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the nation. The team also made a strong wish and prayer that no war should take place again in any corner of the world and that the concerned leaders may find peaceful solution to resolve any conflict and disparity.
Another important mission of this pilgrimage was to also offer sincerest prayers for a corona-free world, for which the entire world community is still battling hard. The team offered prayer in the holy monasteries of these remote villages. Alongside this, the team also offered teachings and counselling to the nomadic residents of these villages to overcome the fear of this never-heard-before pandemic and growing tension at the border.
During the tour, Sanghasena also identified and selected some of the most deserving children and old people to be admitted at the Mahabodhi Residential School and Mahabodhi Maitri Geriatric Home respectively.