PRIs instrumental in accelerating pace of progress at grassroot level: Advisor Farooq

Advisor Farooq Khan interacting with people in Ganderbal on Friday.
Advisor Farooq Khan interacting with people in Ganderbal on Friday.

Excelsior Correspondent

GANDERBAL, Oct 2: A multitude of development activities today marked beginning of third phase of ambitious ‘Back to Village’ (B2V3) programme in 42 Panchayats of Ganderbal district.
Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, Farooq Ahmad Khan, conducted an exhaustive visit of Ganderbal district to oversee implementation of this pro-people initiative of the Government.
Advisor visited Darand and Malchaibagh Panchayat halqas where he interacted with the people and assessed their development requirements and grievances as well.
The locals raised several demands regarding their day to day matters pertaining to inadequate water supply, macadamization and renovation of roads, up gradation of schools, better health services and related issues.
Interacting with the people, Farooq Khan said that the Back to Village programme has been launched with the purpose to reach out to the people at their doorsteps for listening to their grievances and development aspirations. He said that in coming days PRIs will be conferred more powers as they play major role in development of villages and are aware about the development needs at grass root level. “PRIs are instrumental in effectively accelerating the pace of progress at grass root level”, he asserted.
Deputy Commissioner Ganderbal, Shafqat Iqbal, Director Rural Development Kashmir, Qazi Sarwar, SSP Ganderbal, Khilal Poswal, ADC Ganderbal besides other district officers accompanied him.
Advisor sought status of works approved in B2V1, 14th FC Plan and tentative list of 15th FC Plan.
The concerned BDO briefed the Advisor about the status of works approved in B2V1 besides works approved under 14th FC Plan.
Advisor urged upon the people to participate in Gram Shabhas for projecting their demands and problems so that the same could be taken up with the concerned for redressal. He asked the visiting officers to discuss the 15th FC Plan with the people in Gram Sabhas and prioritize works as per their needs before finalizing the plan.
Responding to demands of the people, Farooq Khan said that Ganderbal district will be developed as model district in the UT of J&K and in this regard various prestigious projects are being implemented besides many more are in pipeline. He assured the people that all their issues and concerns to be raised in this programme will be thoroughly taken note of for redressal.