BJP trying to play tyrant in SMC elections: NC

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Nov 23: The Jammu and Kashmir National Conference today said that Govt was sabotaging the participation of parties other than BJP and the King’s party in the District Development Council elections (DDC), saying the measure of denying level playing field to all parties is intended to help BJP and its cadre.
Condemning the vindictive actions of government machinery in stopping the PAGD candidates from campaigning in the name of security, speaking of a malicious and purposive discrimination meant to help kings party, BJP and its proxies, the Party spokesperson Imran Nabi Dar said that the measure of denying the level playing field by confining PAGD candidates to hotels and security zones suggests that New Delhi is up to some mischief.
“It is very evident from the fact that BJP and its ilk are given security cover and accorded facilities to campaign by the authorities; while as others far from being provided necessary security and other facilities are being locked up in security zones and hotels. Anyone who was not associated with BJP and its allies was spitefully dumped in hotels. It is clear that they don’t want us to campaign. The excuse that is being put forth by the government is that they cannot provide security to all, by that analogy none of contesting candidates should be provided any. Why are the Non- BJP candidates being made to suffer on many accounts?” he said.
Dar said that BJPs recent claims of sweeping the DDC polls hand down should not be seen in isolation. “In spite of being accorded all required facilities, there is hardly any presence of BJP leaders and candidates on ground. And here we have the BJP leadership making tall claims on winning the elections. The only ways they can achieve that end is by sabotaging the entire democratic process, which they have made a mockery of by caging all non- BJP candidates, and impede their public outreach using all sorts of tactics. It is a novice way of inventing a breed of leadership, supplanting them on people by giving a ditch to a due democratic process,” he said.
Saying that Articles 370, 35-A are part of history, BJP is anticipating the final verdict of the honorable Apex Court, he said adding that the people of J&K are not ready to accept it as reality. “By giving a picture that people have given up on restoration of Articles 370, 35-A is a crude joke. The PAGD has received wide support from all regions across J&K and Ladakh,” he added.