
Thursday Dec 23-2020

Aries : You may be alone, but not necessarily lonely. You may want to listen to your inner voice, and express your true self creatively. Spend the evening with a loved one who can hear the music in your silence too, suggests Ganesha.

Taurus : Today, you may experience the juxtaposition of pleasure and pain. Household tasks may weigh you down around afternoon. Later in the day, you will be able to achieve whatever you desire solely on account of your determination and mental strength. Pleasure awaits in the warmth and company of your soul mate, says Ganesha.

Gemini : If you are into retail business, planetary positions indicate today is a day for bumper sales. You will set records in making profits. After work, you may want to take your beloved out shopping. Though it may burn a hole in your pocket, the returns you get once you reach home will be worth every penny!

Cancer : Today, you may focus your entire attention on your relationships – your ties with your parents, spouse, children, siblings and even neighbours. However, all that effort and energy may not get its due, and you may get a cold response from one or more of your relatives. Still there is no reason to lose heart. Ganesha feels that they will come around some other day.

Leo : The discomfort similar to the fish-out-of-water syndrome will be a thing of the past, as today you will be quite flexible and would want to remain on the move, says Ganesha. So much so that you may even begin to feel bound by the environment in your office. Ganesha sees this as a good sign, as being adaptable will help you manoeuvre your way around people.

Virgo : Razor-sharp and aesthetic to the last cell in your body, entertain and enthral people with your guile, especially at a social do, says Ganesha. But conserve that zest and save the time to pay due attention to matters of supreme importance, warns Ganesha.

Libra : Your instincts are at their peak today. Generally, this means a lot of good, but for you, it may also mean having to put up with the trouble of small things bothering you in a big way. So, it becomes highly important for you to remain balanced and focused. Do so and you may produce wonderful results at work, and also look forward to raking in the money from various sources, says Ganesha.

Scorpio : Ganesha predicts today will be a day full of focus and a clear thought process. The clarity of thought you have has been acquired over a period of time, says Ganesha, and that could make all the difference. A crisp application of thoughts to ideas and actions will bring much appreciation from bosses and peers.

Sagittarius : Your friend base is slated to multiply today. At work, additional responsibilities will be thrust upon you, and you will also be given charge of new resources. Ganesha predicts you taking up the challenge and emerging triumphant in all spheres today.

Capricorn : It’s going to be a day of pleasant surprises. You will try your level best to help people around you, and will find it exceedingly frustrating when the results won’t be as expected, says Ganesha. In fact, this may even dampen your spirit and shake your self-confidence. But try and transform your weaknesses into strengths — it will help you develop a more positive approach to life.

Aquarius : You may huff and puff, but today is not the day when you’ll finish what you started. Don’t lose heart, the future is promising. Take a break, says Ganesha, you’ve worked enough. The results are on the way.

Pisces : Major expenses are coming your way, but the good news is a lot of them can be avoided simply by drawing a line between your needs and your wants. Exercising a little restraint now will go a long way in boosting your savings later on, says Ganesha.