DYSS holds Taekwondo trials for girls

Selected players posing for a group photograph along with officials of DYSS at Poonch.
Selected players posing for a group photograph along with officials of DYSS at Poonch.

Excelsior Sports Correspondent

POONCH, Dec 28: Department of Youth Services and Sports today organised trials cum selection competitions of AAG girls for upcoming District level Taekwondo tournament which is scheduled to be held in the month of February next year.
The competition was organised at Sports Stadium Poonch wherein about 100 girls participated. Mohd Qasim DYSSO Poonch was the chief guest, whereas Nirdosh Kumar In-charge Manager Sports Stadium Poonch was guest of honour of the event.
All the bouts were organised under the technical supervision of Rajinder Singh (PET), national referee of Taekwondo, Jatinder Paul (PET), Sachin Sharma (REK), Sandeep Kumar (REK) and Waqar Ahmed (REK).
Sanjay Misri (PEM), Kewal Krishan (PEM), Saurav Sharma (PEM), Neeraj Kumar (PET) and DK Raina (PET) were also present during the competitions.