Spurious drug enquiry

In its report, the Crime Branch has made horrendous revelations of collusion between the Purchase Committee, Verification Board of the Department of Health and the drug supplying company M/s Lifeline Pharmaco Surgical of Uttarakhand in supplying spurious drugs to the State Health Department. The spurious drugs were supplied to the Government hospitals in Kashmir and Jammu regions. The entire deal is shady by any standard and the report has laid blame squarely on the Purchase Committee and the  Verification Board which have shown gross advertent negligence in meeting all the norms set forth for making purchases of genuine drugs from suppliers on competitive basis. From the report it is quite evident that there has been a nexus for personal benefits at the cost of the state exchequer but more at the cost of the health of innocent patients. We have full details of how much of the drugs were supplied and consumed in different Government hospitals. We now expect that on the basis of this report, the State Government will take action against all implicated persons whether at higher or lower levels. It is rather unbelievable that human beings can be so callous and stone hearted as to put the precious and innocent lives at stake by administering spurious drugs to them. No responsible government can let this crime go unpunished.