SKS terms January 19 as Black Day

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 18: Sampooran Kashmiri Sanghattan (SKS) reminds Indian nation and Government of India that 19th January is a day which is a black spot on humanity. The day, when in world’s largest democratic country 4.5 lakh Kashmiri Pandits were uprooted from their mother land with history of their origin of more than 10,000 years.
Releasing statement on Black Day /Exodus Day SKS general secretary Bharat Kachroo said that all successive Governments badly failed to address Kashmiri Pandits and their problems. He expressed deep pain over current Government also for ignoring KPs especially PM Narendra Modi who was very keen for rehabilitating KPs before becoming PM of country.
SKS asks Government if KPs are citizens of India why their problems were not redressed in last 31 years.