DC inaugurates 13th CEC Ice Hockey C’ship

Excelsior Sports Correspondent
KARGIL Jan 31: Deputy Commissioner and CEO, LAHDC, Kargil Baseer ul Haq Choudhary inaugurated 13th edition of the CEC Ice Hockey Championship at Ice Hockey Rink near Khree Sultan Chow Sports Stadium Biamathang, here today.
Superintendent of Police Anayat Ali Choudhary, DYSSO Muhammad Hussain Rehnuma and other District officers were also present during the inaugural ceremony.
The DC in his address said that keeping in view the potential of Kargil as an ideal winter sports destination and the inclination and talent of youngsters in ice hockey and other winter games, the LAHDC and the District Administration Kargil are taking concrete measures and making all out efforts to provide suitable opportunities to these young players to exploit and showcase their sporting skills.
Baseer said that a blend of winter games and traditional games can be an ideal opportunity for Kargil to attract players from outside as well as tourists to the district which will in turn go a long way in enhancing people’s economy.
The DC urged the youngsters to work sincerely towards pursuing their career goals and welfare of the people, and said that tomorrow it is only them who have to shoulder the responsibility to make Kargil progressive and prosperous.