Periodical verification of pensioners

The Director General Accounts and Treasuries, Finance Deptt. under his circular no. DAGT/PS/DR/460 dated 10-05-2013 in terms of rule 5.71 of Treasury code Volume-I has desired physical verification of pensioners by Treasury Officer by end of June 2013 but this rule for his kind information pertains to identification of only female pensioners who do not appear in public and for verification of all pensioners there is rule 5.82 in the above said code according to which on are after April Ist each year, the disbursing officer which are present at different branches of J&K Bank and not treasuries have to perform this job in letter and spirit.
This cumbersome and time consuming procedure intentionally created itself speaks about individuals morality which compels the senior citizen to dance to the tune of concerned needs to be done away with.
Besides the Accounts and Treasuries Deptt, as far as I think and only for hint refer PPO No. 133247 has not been able to verify all the pensioners during last year as per its No. 283-F of 2011 dated 13-12-2011 because the procedure adopted is impracticable and against natural justice.
However, in case the deptt. wants to keep close watch, upper hand on the bank, including old and inform pensioners then it can exercise even random as well as counter check the verification done by the banks by deputing staff members from the treasuries and pin point wrong doing if any to the concerned for rectification of the same which is easy, practicable and this is the only remedy. The matter is, therefore, brought to the kind notice of Chief Secretary and Principal Secretary Finance Deptt for necessary action at their end please.
Yours etc….
Bansi Lal Balwal
11-LIG Housing Colony,
This is to share about a circular issued by the Director General Accounts and Treasuries Finance Department with regard to verification of PPO’s from the concerned Treasuries and all the pensioners drawing their pension from the J&K Bank Branches have been directed to get the needful done immediately otherwise their pension shall be stopped giving reference to rule 5.71 of Treasury Code Vol. 1st. The said rule has been in the requisite rule books from the inception of the Finance Department but why said rule has been exploited from the last year only. The said rule stands framed long back in 60’s and does not hold enough good in the present scenario as the pensioners at present are drawing their pension directly from the J&K Bank Branches and not from the treasuries. The said rule is normally being observed by the Bank Authorities at their own level in the normal course. When the Bank Managers’ stands authorized to make payments then why they cannot make verification process at their own level and one has un-necessarily to carry the PPO halves from the concerned Bank Branches to the respective Treasury officers for doing the needful. J&K Bank officers are very competent and well versed with such rules and can complete such formalities at their own level without putting old aged pensioners to carry such important documents from pillar to post and put it to risk of misplacement in the process.
The present circular issued by the D. G Accounts and Treasuries seems to be applying very harsh in respect of such pensioners who are presently living outside state with ageing infirmity and even some are bed ridden unable to complete such formalities. Such pensioners have to travel all the distance from the far flung states of the country to present themselves before the Treasury officers in the state after arranging railway/bus tickets that too in the present hazardous climate. There are such pensioners who cannot even travel all such distance without an attendant. I think if proper bit of mind is applied the procedure can be simplified very easily in this electronic age.
Yours etc…..
M L Meer (A.O.Retd)
A/p Bangalore