Indo-Pak peace may suffer temporary setback

K S Tomar
While taking a ‘political decision’ not to lift a ban on the import of sugar and cotton from India despite severe economic crisis, Pakistan Government has Re -emphasized the notion of ‘Kashmir Phobia’ which reigns supreme in the minds of army generals and politicians in Pakistan thereby ignoring woes of people and seriousness of economic Depression which has hit this nation hard.
Pakistan Government took U turn in importing the cotton and 500,000 Metric tons of white sugar from India dragging Kashmir into this imbroglio and estrangement which may have its bearing on the chances of efforts being made by United Arab Emirate (UAE) to start peace process between two neighbours.
Pakistan had taken a decision to suspend bilateral trade with India on Augsit 5,2019 after the abrogation of Article 370 and 35A. However, one of the dominant reasons of suspending trade was the 200% tariff imposed by India on Pakistani imports earlier by revoking Pakistan’s Most favored Nation (MNF) status after the Pulwama terrorist attack which was abetted and supported by army of this country.
A cursory look shows that India’s exports to Pakistan dropped nearly 60% to USD 816.62 million and its imports fell by 97% to USD 13.97 million in 2019-20.Over the years, India has had a trade surplus with Pakistan, with much less imports than exports and trade has always been linked to politics which has always harmed the interest of common people.
It was a sort of reflection of silver lining when Pakistan was turning towards India in a hapless and pitiable situation to seek help and economic coordination committee (ECC) approved the import of five lakh white sugar by June 30 and cotton from India which had sent a good signal worldwide and rekindled the hope of beginning of dialogue in near future.
Analysts believe that fundamentalists and anti India forces including terror groups being given patronage by Pakistan will never permit the normalization of ties with India because turmoil and instability suit them the most.
Pakistani Foreign Minister ,Shah Mahmood Qureshi has made it crystal clear that Cabinet deferred the decision, till India reverses the 5th August decision of 2019 and it will not be easy to normalize the relations without this pre-condition of Pakistan Government.
As per Prime Minister, Imran Khan, there can be no normalization of relations with India until they reverse their illegal actions regarding occupied Kashmir taken on Aug 5, 2019 which indicates pessimism vis -a -vis chances of resumption of dialogue in near future .
Experts opine that doors for trade and commerce activities will remain closed for indefinite period as it is next to impossible for Indian Government to change the constitutional position about Jammu and Kashmir after passing the law in parliament. The scrapping of Article 370 of the Constitution gave special status to Jammu and Kashmir besides splitting the State into two union territories.
Even Pakistan foreign ministry admitted that a perception was emerging about forward movement of relations with India and opening of trade could have lent credence to this theory and efforts of UAE which had succeeded in breaking the ice after announcement of ceasefire by both sides.
It is a Paradox that army was openly supporting the peace initiative of UAE hence in the mid of it Pakistan Government’s decision may halt the peace process for sometime but General Bajwa may have last laugh who had announced the Pakistan’s desire to forget the past and move ahead but it seems to have been sabotaged for the moment.
Analysts believe that UAE may not give up its sincere back door efforts which have been responsible for decision of Pakistan to declare ceasefire which was reciprocated by India.
As per diplomatic revelations, UAE’s latest Peace Making Project seems to be most audacious as it pertains to an initiative which is focused on India and Pakistan’s negotiations leading to unexpected Feb 25 announcement by director general military operations (DGMOs) of India and Pakistan to respect 2003 cease fire agreement that surprised many in India and Asia owing to hostility of Pakistan. As per indications, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Pakistan’s Army Chief has taken charge of the peace initiative with India which seems to be meaningful as army controls the elected government in this country which is in consonance with General Pervez Musharraf’s role two decades ago. Pakistan Prime minister ,Imran Khan is dubbed as ‘Puppet ‘ of army and Bajwa got 2nd extension for three years by amending rules which is effective from Nov 29, 2019 to Nov 28, 2022 hence he may deem to be India’s main interlocutor in the unfolding peace process primarily due to immense powers.
It was Bajwa who took lead in making the statement which emphasized that arch rivals India and Pakistan should “bury the past” and move towards cooperation , an overture towards New Delhi which followed an unexpected joint ceasefire announcement between the two countries’ militaries. General Qamar Javed Bajwa clevery stressed and put the burden on India to create a “conducive environment” thereby bringing in Washington to play an effective role in ending regional conflicts. Bajwa mentioned intentionally that Pakistan’s powerful army has ruled the country for nearly half of its 73-year existence which reflected the control of army in the past.
Sheikh Abdullah bin Zahed, UAE foreign’s quick visit to India after cease fire confirmed the peace broker’s role being played by this friendly country.
Experts say that In many ways, the Emiratis are inimitably qualified to mediate between the two countries which can be attributed to strong trade and commercial ties with both nations besides being home to millions of Indian and Pakistani expatriate workers. UAE’s credentials are strengthened by its aggressive promotion, at home and abroad, of a separation of politics and religion because the conflict is rooted in historical mistrust between Hindus and Muslims.
(The writer is senior journalist)