POK DPs stage protest dharna against Marheen Tehsil staff

Excelsior Correspondent
KATHUA, July 26: The Displaced Persons from POK residing within the jurisdiction of Tehsil Marheen, in district Kathua held a protest darna led by Ashok Kumar Sharma, president Tehsils Marheen and Hiranagar under the banner of Jammu Kashmir Sharnarthi Action Committee (JKSAC).
The DP families were protesting against the tyrant and corrupt attitude of officials at Tehsil Marheen, without bothering for the senior officials. The protester demanded immediate suspension or transfer of Tehsildhar and constitution of a Committee to probe corrupt practices going on in Tehsil Mareen, and inaction on the part of Tehsildar.
Addressing the DPs sitting on dharna adjoining to the office of the Naib Tehsildar Marheen, Ashok Sharma alongwith Master Kuldeep Rai, Mohinder Sudan, Deepak Raina, Khem Raj, Munish Rishi, Mohinder Pal Sharma, Satinder Singh and Dr Narinder Sharma said that the Tehsildar Marheen is blatantly violating laws/rules enshrined in J&K Agrarian Reform Act, particularly in respect of DPs for his personal gains. He has no respect and care for his senior officers and orders issued by them are flatly disobeyed. Ashok said that despite many representations sent to the higher authorities of Revenue Deptt, along with evidences, yet no action has been taken against him.
Lauding the efforts of DPs particularly one Shiv Ram, who is 104 years old DP, is a victim of Tehsildar Marheen, Gurdev Singh, president JKSAC (J&K) said that this is a legendry organisation articulating the cause of DPs since 1967 and has been demanding since long the constitution of a high level committee to probe the violation of Agrarian Reform Act being committed by Revenue officers for the past several years, causing great harassment and loss to DPs. He said that many times Lt. Governor Sinha and Principal Secy Shaleen Kabra and other senior officers had been urged upon to intervene to put the rein on Revenue Deptt. particularly Tehsildars and Patwaries having no respect for law and indulging in unfair means without any fear.
SDM, Hiranagar Rakesh Sharma visited the site of dharna and listened the grievances of the victims and assured the protesters that strict action would be taken against these officers.