Dr Harleen delivers lecture on techniques of sample collection

Excelsior Correspondent

Jammu, Aug 5: In order to strengthen the existing infection control measures in the SMGS Hospital Jammu, on awareness lecturer was delivered in the SMGS hospital by Dr Harleen Kaur, Associate Professor in the Department of Microbiology Govt Medical College Jammu, in association with Department of Pediatrics.
During the interaction with Consultants, Registrars and Post Graduate students and Nurses of Pediatric Department, different techniques for collection and transport of samples for culture and antibiotic sensitivity were discussed in length and Post Graduate students were made aware about the significance of right techniques in collection and transport of samples.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr Harleen Kaur stressed upon the judicious use of antibiotics. Irrational use of antibiotics has led to the emergence of multidrug resistance bacteria and superbugs. She stressed upon the authorities to put stringent measures so as to stop over the counter sale of higher antibiotics to prevent its misuse.
It was impressed upon the participants, the importance of correct method of sampling as wrong method of collection will lead to production of wrong results leading to undesired use of antibiotics thereby increasing the cost of treatment of already financially poor patients and also increasing the risk of emergence of resistant organisms.
Dr Ghanshyam Saini, Head of Pediatric Department thanked Dr Harleen Kaur for her efforts in streamlining the sampling processes in SMGS Hospital.