LPEF for enhancement of medical allowance

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Aug 5: All J&K Low Paid Government Employees Federation (LPEF) has appealed the J&K Government to enhance medical allowance of its employees from present Rs 300 to Rs 1000, which is being paid to Central Government employees.
The Federation chief Abdul Majid Malik raised the demand for enhancement of yearly slab of income upto Rs 5 lakh for payment of yearly income tax as lower ranking state employees are unable to pay yearly income tax at present rate of income defined by the Government of India.
Malik also raised daily wagers’ demands which included revision of minimum daily wage to Rs 500 and release of pending wages of different departments who are facing lot of hardships. He also stressed for enhancement of remuneration of village guards at par with minimum daily wage in vogue in the UT and honorarium of Lamberdar, Anganwari workers, NYC, NYK, Helpers as per the commensurate rise of price index.
He also reiterated the demand for extension of leave encashment benefits to teachers, re-organization of clerical cadre and removal of pay anomalies. The LPEF president also urged upon the Government for regularization of adhoc, contractual and consolidated paid employees immediately after completion of seven years of service.