Race to Bharat Ratna: Who should cross finish line first?

New Delhi, July 21:
The debate, though unsavoury and  distasteful, goes on. Hockey legend Major Dhyan Chand or cricket maestro Sachin Tendulkar?
It is like pitting one behemoth against another colossus.
One scooped up three gold medals at the Olympics and is widely considered as the greatest hockey player the world has ever seen.
Other is the demi-god for the aficionados of the gentleman’s game and who can play the sport with one hand tied behind his back. He has attained feats which has the record books bursting at the seams.
Who rightfully deserves to be conferred upon India’s highest civilian award-Bharat Ratna first? The issue elicits a wide array of responses and views from sport experts, some of whom think the debate should not have started in the first instance.
The media loves coarse debate because coarse debate drives ratings and ratings generate profits. In a nutshell, the media loves controversy because that is what sells.
The issue has set off an ‘unnecessary’ debate, leaving in its wake a bruising competition like situation being considered demeaning to the two giants, who have brought laurels for the nation in their respective fields.
The decision by the government to include sports in India’s highest civilian honour was greeted with rhapsodies of praise by one and all, but now arguments , ‘pushed by media’, have broken out as to which sportsperson between the two should get it first.
Some opine hockey legend Dhyan Chand should get it first, some say ‘the demi-god of cricket’ Tendulkar deserves it more.
Not only fans but also the great sportspersons are giving their ‘valuable’ views over the raging issue, which has caught the fancy of one and all among the sports fraternity.  (PTI)