Please refer to the letter “Poll freebies” by Mohan Lal Sharma, and the article “FDI is losing sheen as a panacea” by S. Majumdar, D.E. July 9, 2013.
As a metter of fact the population of India is growing at an alarming rate and everything in huge quantity is required to sustain so huge a population. The Govt has neither a vision, nor a road map nor honesty to lead India, properly. Indian ruling classes have benefitted enormously from freedom and democracy and are worried only about attaining or retaining political power.
Most of the political parties are adept in the art of making a fool of Indian voter. They know that by distributing bicycles, T.V. Sets saris and cheap almost free ration to Indian voter can lead to their getting maximum votes.
Unfortunately common man is unable to realize that all these items are purchased with the money which is collected through more than fifteen types of taxes imposed by the Government.
Yours etc……
Avtar Singh
Simbal Camp
R.S. Pura