Vishnu wins two races in JK Tyre Nat’l C’ship

Coimbatore, Aug 10: Chennai-driver Vishnu Prasad stole the limelight by winning two and finishing third in one of the three races that he competed today in the first round of the second leg of the JK Tyre National Racing Championship here at the Kari Motor Speedway.

In the day’s first event, the Coimbatore-based driver Sarosh Hataria warded off strong challenge from another able driver Saran Vikram to win the first race of the day in LGB Formula 4 event.

Sarosh got the top honours in 19:38.407 seconds and Saran took 19:38.674 seconds followed by Vishnu Prasad (19:42.460 sec) for the third spot.

Sarosh made it a start to finish affair but not without having to ward of strong challenge from Saran Vikram in the last and 15th lap.

Sarosh envisaged problems with his car’s gear slipping during the last six laps of the race.

It was a different story to tell in the second race of the LGB Formula 4 where veteran driver Sarosh Hataria was kept at the bay by Vishnu Prasad.

Vishnu was followed by Advait Deodhar and Saran Vikram for the second and third places respectively.

In the first race of JK FB02, the premium event of the championship, pole sitter Vishnu Prasad drove with a never-say-die attitude to complete it a start to finish affair.

Hyderabad’s Akhil Kushlani had won all the three races here last month but came a cropper in the second leg here today. (PTI)