Establishing Home Stay Units

Embarking upon a programme by the UT Government of encouraging and motivating micro- entrepreneurs setting up units both in urban and rural areas in respect of various sectors of economic activities must be duly responded to by more and more enterprising young people . Concepts like Atmanirbhar Bharat, Vocal for Local products etc being at the core of such endeavours , individuals and joint enterprises would find new avenues to result in sustainable development as the UT is slightly ahead in poverty alleviation status on comparative basis. Jammu and Kashmir , basically a place with tourism and tourism related activities has lot of potential for the tourism sector of which hotelier(ing), lodging , temporary staying put needs etc are among the top ingredients. Now that the shift is more being preferred to rural areas by the tourists generally for being the actual scenic spots intended to be visited and being without the urban hustle bustle and associated constraints, why not staying arrangements be readily available ?This emerging situation has opened up new vistas in rural areas covering such staying facilities associated with specific culture and traditions , cuisine, hospitality and allied areas specific specialities in arts and crafts. Since not only tourists from within the country but from foreign countries keep visiting the UT , they could enjoy such home staying arrangements with ease and at affordable cost.
Even otherwise, needless to add, not only are such units required on a micro level which are easily available and at quite affordable prices but during peak seasons of maximum tourist footfall , most of the hotels in urban areas are packed to capacity and demand for rooms usually outstrips the availability or the supply . This is true both in summer as well as of winter seasons , other things remaining the same , though agreeably not throughout the year with the same position. Since the global trade and commerce have attained new dimensions in that ”offers” of investments keep pouring in and ”exploring” new markets backed by prior surveys of existing and future potential being fairly made , trade agreements and subsequent MoUs are inked between the Governments and reputed business and trade concerns of global ranking for doing business.
In this connection, launching of rural home stay project jointly by the UT Government of Jammu and Kashmir and OYO Group – world’s leading travel tech platform – carries special significance in the light of there being more focus on rural areas . The Government having announced a special financial assistance of Rs.50000 to each of those young aspirant entrepreneurs who were willing to establish a home stay unit will give a boost to setting up of such micro units. A target of having at least 200 of such of home stays within a few months are expected to be on the OYO platform thus generating some opportunities too for self employment , fairly. That Jammu and Kashmir having progressively emerged as the notable leader in the country in tourism sector and with more of semblance and peace fast returning to the UT, the scenario was going to further undergo a sea change conducive for tourism which means more tourists and more money in circulation resulting in more work and increased money incomes. Since rural areas in Jammu and Kashmir are having comparatively better road connectivity and other infrastructural support for the project to flourish like water, power transport etc , the same is required to be on sustainable basis in the absence of which the project may not show promising results.
This project called ” Crown of Incredible India ” and the units set up under it are bound to give a new shape and energy to local arts and crafts in villages especially when a market giant like OYO is coming onboard. In fact, OYO is an idea conceived on commercial and trade needs meaning Own Your Own Rooms which is a pan India Hotel network spread over 199 cities. Needless to add, when there are already 199 cities covered by OYO facilities in respect of ensuring quality services to guests who hire rooms through OYO platform , why should Jammu and Kashmir with huge potential not become next in the list, hence the rural home stay under the relevant project. Underpenetrated areas in Udhampur, Doda, Pahalgam, Kokernag etc , were going to be the focus areas by the Project to improve the tourism prospects.