Developing Healthcare eco-system

In order to focus on patient centred model instead on conventional organisational centred, healthcare ecosystem laced with innovative digital technology is the need of the hour in Jammu and Kashmir. Since lot of development on comparative basis is taking place, yet much remains to be still done in the UT in healthcare system. However, in that context to further the process of virtually bringing about a roundabout and revolutionising the healthcare ecosystem, several measures, of late, having been taken proves the point. Let us take the case of recently inaugurated 10 bed state of the art Palliative and geriatric care wards in all districts of Jammu and Kashmir. It may be noted that the two terms denote consultative care and primary care speciality for palliative and geriatric care facility respectively. However, more specifically geriatric means medical care for older adults but generally over 65 years. The question of interest, however, is as to when in the absence of compartmentalising between the older and the younger patients, otherwise they are treated in all hospitals admitted in all wards, what specific or speciality is then in these separate 10 beds earmarked for Palliative and geriatric care patients. In simple parlance, that is about the treatment to be special, dedicated, state of- the- art one to those elderly patients who are critically ill and while treating them, their dignity and quality of life have to be the prime considerations and such a facility to be there in the UT of Jammu and Kashmir has been long felt. We note that many projects in respect of building a proper health infrastructure are underway and even 140 of them have already been completed followed by fresh allocation of Rs.7873 crore in this year’s budget to bring about an impressive overall improvement in healthcare areas requiring due attention in Jammu and Kashmir.
Private players in the field have been already taking the initiative in the healthcare enterprises run by them in the country and while quality of medical care cannot be of any doubt there but the cost of such treatment is usually beyond the reach of an ordinary person suffering from a serious ailment. There are various voids in our healthcare care system but this one has been decades old as rightly pointed out by the Lieutenant Governor while giving thumbs up to the noble project. So the question is of not only the existence or availability of such a facility but the one pertaining to accessibility.
It is now evident that the facility for the critically ailing being on the top of medical care strategy, it denotes addressing social dimensions as well. While we commend steps being taken by the UT administration gradually towards filling various voids and lacunae in the medical care system including the latest by fulfilling the aim of energizing, if not revolutionizing the healthcare system, our fears, however, are that it may not remain confined to initial enthusiasm and inauguration only but should be on a sustained basis, on a permanent basis. We have such apprehensions despite agreeably the Government doing a lot in the medical care but still the overall conditions in the premier Government hospitals is far from satisfactory especially in respect of shortage of Doctors, specialists and other para-medical staff. There are problems of ambiance, space, sanitation, equipment, over-crowding, non-availability of medicines to cite a few persistent problems but side by side, addressing issues as under reference, however, is really appreciable.
Besides, when really our rural and remote areas get medical care right near if not at their doorsteps, we can safely and proudly say that social imbalances, rural urban divide, accessibility to quality healthcare, balanced eco healthcare like prime concerns of healthcare are duly addressed. We do not dispute the fact that despite lot of lacunae in the healthcare system, Jammu and Kashmir on comparative basis is better -placed in comparison to many states but if we have to address the glaring connected issues, we must look towards those states better placed than Jammu and Kashmir and go in for more reforms in and improvement of the scenario of overall healthcare.