Kunfer-Sarthi road awaits completion despite lapse of decade

Kunfer-Sarthi Link Road still incomplete. -Excelsior/Shubam Anthal
Kunfer-Sarthi Link Road still incomplete. -Excelsior/Shubam Anthal

Excelsior Correspondent
RAMBAN, Apr 5: Though work started over a decade back, the 3-kilometer-long Kunfer to Sarthi road is yet to be constructed.
The delay in the construction of the road which could have brought cheers on the faces of the people in surrounding villages of this hilly belt has led to their many problems, said a local resident.
Expressing his dismay over the delaying tactics of the authorities at the helm of affairs in constructing the road, he said much to the discomfiture of the hapless people in this remote area the concerned authorities never showed any interest in constructing the road and delayed the work on one pretext or the other due to which the people of various villages are put to many problems.
The Government is making tall claims about the road connectivity in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir under PMGSY and other schemes but this road has never been a priority for it. Neither the previous Governments paid attention in completing of this road nor the present dispensation is interested in constructing the same, he added.
“When we have to shift ailing persons or pregnant women to District Hospital Ramban in emergency, we face manifold problems”, another local resident said and demanded immediate construction of the road on war-footing.
“We voted for development, but the politicians after winning the elections shows no interest in development”, another resident said, adding that, “We ran from pillar to post for our genuine demand but nobody paid heed to our grievance”.
Due to dust on this road, many people especially students’ face problems while walking or commuting.
“After every week, we have to get our vehicles repaired and maintained due to deplorable condition of this under-construction road”, another resident said.
The locals requested the concerned department and DC Ramban to take necessary action for the construction of this road.