Ramdev endorses separate Homeland demand: PK

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 1: Patanjali Yog Peeth while extending support to Panun Kashmir (PK) for the struggle of Kashmiri Pandits leading an exiled life for last 24 years has also endorsed the demand of Homeland for over seven lakh KPs within Valley of Kashmir.
This was stated by PK here today.
It said endorsing the demand of Homeland and assuring full support to PK convener, Dr Agnishekhar before a huge audience at Hardwar, Yoga Guru Ramdev appreciated the concern and position of PK on the functioning of Indian State and other democratic institutions with regard to ongoing secessionism and Jihadi terrorism and its implications on unity integrity ad sovereignty of India.
Baba Ramdev, while complimenting Kashmiri Pandits for their immense contribution to Indian culture and civilization in terms of aesthetics, poetics, history, philosophical discourses, spread of Buddhism across Central Asia, China and Tibet and other South Asian countries expressed his surprise and dismay over the continued apathy and neglect shown towards them by State and Central Governments since their forced exile from their millennia old homeland Kashmir in 1990.
Lauding the continued efforts of PK activists and Dr Agnishekhar, for tirelessly pioneering this national cause, Baba Ramdev held six decades Congress rule squarely responsible for the whole mess of things in Kashmir besides scores of recent scams, lot, corruption and depression in the country.
He appreciated the view of Dr Agnishekhar that at a time when America’s military engagement in Afghanistan is seemingly coming to a close and Pakistan’s influence in Kabul can have direct bearing on the Jehadi terrorist activities in Kashmir, the UPA continues to behave as cowered Government.