Heritageans excel in Roller Skating

Excelsior Sports Correspondent

Medal winners of Heritage School Jammu posing for a photograph.

JAMMU, Sept 9: The students of Heritage School Jammu bagged 17 medals in the Inter-School Skating Competitions, organized by the Department of Youth Services and Sports at MA Stadium, recently.
The students who brought laurels to school included Ankit Gupta (2 gold, 2 silver), Kartikeya Puri, (one gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze), Akshita (4 silver), Akriti Mahajan and Panini Sharma (3 brinze each), while Eklavya Sambyal has been selected in U-19 boys Roller Hockey team.
Principal of the School has lauded the efforts of the students alongwith their coach Ankush Gupta for this achievement.