Implementation of 73rd amendment

Even after so much of discussion, and so many debates, 73rd amendment has been implemented in the State. The amendment is to Panchayati Raj Act what soul is to body. A body without soul is of no use, so is the Act.
The Government should not play dilly dallying tactics over the issue, as it won’t serve any purpose to the Government. The amendment has to be implemented if not today, then tomorrow. If it is to implemented, why not today? This will help Panchayati Raj Institutions to achieve their objectives within a stipulated time-frame and make them vibrant institutions of empowerment at grass root level.
The ruling National Conference party should accommodate the view point of its coalition  partner-the Congress party which has extended its full support to the amendment.
It will be in the interest of the Government, the people of the State, and the PRIs to pave way for its implementation without further delay.
Yours etc….
Atul Sharma