Kalash yatra taken out from Purani Mandi to Parade

Excelsior Correspondent

Devotees taking out Kalash yatra prior to start of Bhagwat Katha at Jammu on Friday. —Excelsior/Rakesh

JAMMU, Oct 18: A Kalash yatra was taken out today from Purani Mandi temple to Parade Ground here where an eight -day long Shrimad Bhagwat Katha Gyan Yagya started this afternoon by renowned Katha Wachak Shri Anurag Krishan Shastri Ji of Bindrawan.
Besides, the saints and sages, a large number of devotees including a sizable number of women participated in the Kalash yatra. The Yatra passed via Link road, Jain Bazaar, Chabutra Chowk, Pacca Danga, Moti Bazar and culminated at Parade Ground where Shastri Ji started his religious discourses.
Prominent among those who took part in the Shoba yatra included Mahant of Purani Mandi temple, Mahant Rameshwar Dass Ji, MLA Jammu East Ashok Khajuria, BJP senior leader, Yudhvir Sethi, Party’s Mahila Morcha president, Priya Sethi, Congress leader, Vikram Malhotra and heads of various social and religious organizations.
The religious programme has been organised by Raghunath Sewa Dal led by Mahant Rameshwar Dass Ji.
The eight -day long religious function will culminate on October 26 with Puranahuti followed by serving of prashad to devotees.
The katha will be held daily from 6-30 am to 12-30 pm and 2-30 pm to 6-30 pm.