SSK releases Navreh Sandesh

Representatives of SSK releasing Navreh Sandesh at Jammu on Monday. -Excelsior/ Rakesh
Representatives of SSK releasing Navreh Sandesh at Jammu on Monday. -Excelsior/ Rakesh

‘RSS has always supported Pandits cause’

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Mar 20: In connection with the celebrations of ‘Navreh Mahotsav 2023’ a book entitled ‘Navreh Sandesh’ was released here, today by the Publication Division of ‘Sanjeevani Sharda Kendra’ (SSK).
Speaking on the occasion, president of SSK, Dr. M. K. Bharat, briefed the audience about the contents of the book which is a collection of addresses delivered by very eminent personalities.
During the past two years on the occasion of Navreh Mahotsav. The speeches are a guidance, and also assurance to the community that they are not alone and entire nation is with the exiled community in their struggle for restoration of their right to live in the Kashmir Valley with dignity and respect.
Dr Bharat said both RSS chief, Dr Mohan Rao Bhagwat and its Sarkarvah, Dattatreya Hosabale during their online address have maintained that the entire nation is with Kashmiri Pandits and conditions are being created for their rehabilitation in Valley so that they are never uprooted again.
He also apprised the audience of the details of ‘Navreh Mahotsav 2023’ three day celebrations being held on the eve of Navreh on March 21, 22 and 23. The first day, March 21 is designated as ‘Tyag Divas’ in memory of Vaid Shirya Bhat who with his efforts and dedication in 15th century resettled the Kashmiri Hindus in the Valley who were living in despondency and wilderness.
The second day on 22 nd March is designated as the Sankalap Divas. Being the first day of New year as per the Indian Calendar a pledge is made by the community that they will relentlessly put in their efforts to resettle in the land of their ancestors as and when the conditions for peaceful and honourable living are restored in the State.
The third Day i. e March 23 is celebrated as Shaurya Divas to remember the brave kings viz Smarat Lalitaditya Muktapeed of 8 th century. Spiritual Guru, Shri Shri Ravi Shankar Ji will deliver online address on this day which will be available on the Face Book page of SSK.
For collectively watching the programme about 55 centres, have been set-up across Jammu city, he said. In addition Centres have also been set up for the audience in other cities across the country, where displaced community is putting up. In Jammu the main Center for running live programme will be in the premises of SSK, Anand Nagar, Bhori. Avtar Krishen Trakroo, organising secretary SSK, Rajinder Kampasi in charge Publication Division SSK, Radhey Shyam, Vibhag Sah-Pramukh and S N Raina media in charge were present on the occasion.