Repair walking path around Mansar Lake

We want to draw the attention of the District Administration Samba, Municipal Council towards the bad condition of the Mansar Lake road.
The Mansar Lake, which is the only well-known water body in Jammu Region, bestowed with full tourism potential, strong religious background and belief at present is being ignored in all spheres of development works and schemes.
The dilapidated condition of the walking path around the lake puts every traveller in discomfort and needs urgent repairs for the convenience of visitors and other people who throng it in good numbers.
Sanjeet Bavouria
Water shortage in Swaran Vihar
This is to draw attention of the Jal Shakti Department that Swaran Vihar Colony has been experiencing water shortage for last so many months now. There was a time when water was supplied daily to the residents and that too for a long duration. Now it is not the same case again. Water is supplied erratically and that too at low pressure and for a short duration. It may be said that population of the colony is increasing day by day, but the water supplying reservoir is the same, and it can not meet the needs of this burgeoning population. As such it is requested that another reservoir of a big capacity be also built in the area.
The concerned stakeholders are requested to take cognizance of the problem and find a solution to it.
Vinod Kumar
Swaran Vihar
Repair Mulsar-Latizarh road
This is to draw the attention of the Doda Administration that the Mulsar-Latizarh road needs urgent construction.
The 11 Kms stretch of road from Mulsar to Latizarh via Shallahar in tehsil Gandoh, Bhasella is an important link for a huge population of this area. Since this road is in dilapidated condition, people suffer a lot of it. The whole area depends on this road for transportation of goods, and for connectivity. During rainy season, the road turns into a nightmare for passengers. The drivers, vehicle owners do not dare to ply their vehicles on this road fearing accidents.
The matter has been highlighted a number of times but nobody has taken cognizance of this vital road so far.
We request the District Administration once again to allot sufficient funds for it so that work on it can be executed at the earliest.
Residents of Mulsar, Shallahr, and Latizarh
Repair Jaggi Darbar- Paloura road
This is to draw the attention of the Jammu Municipal Corporation authorities and the concerned Corporator that the road from Jaggi Darbar to Patoli Chowk has got damaged at various places due to recent rains. Many pot-holes have emerged all along the route which besides causing inconvenience to commuters may prove fatal if not repaired at the earliest. During rainy days these become more dangerous.
The authorities are requested to repair this road at the earliest.
Ajeet Rasgotra
Construct toilet complex on Manda Hills
In Jammu city we have one wonderful natural and environment borne walking track which is very beautifully maintained and it has become a lifeline for many. Numerous people trek it in the morning as well as in the evening and so calling it as the, “Lungs of Jammu City” won’t be wrong. But this track is lacking one facility and that is the non-existence of toilets for males and females on this track. So, without disturbing the nature at least two separate toilet complexes are an urgent need at this around 8 kms to and fro track from Manda point opposite Hari Palace Niwas up to the last point at the hill top near Jal Shakti Tube wells. Hope the authorities will act fast and construct two separate toilet complexes on the Manda life line track for hundreds of morning and evening walkers.
Satish Singh Manhas, Panshyai, Doda
A/P Talab Tillo
Traffic jams in Chenani town
We want to draw the attention of Chenani Tehsil Administration and District Administration Udhampur towards the traffic jam problem in this beautiful town. One witnesses vehicles- small and big parked illegally in the whole town. Besides, there is nobody to streamline traffic. Now this traffic situation would worsen further in coming days as devotees would throng the Bini Samagam for performing religious rituals as Manmas month has started.
In view of this development, it is requested to the Traffic Department to formulate a plan to resolve the issue of traffic congestion in the town.
K Kumar