Poonch-Shri Budha Amarnath Shrine road is in poor condition

Poonch-Shri Budha Amarnath Shrine road is in poor conditionLocals and pilgrims have brought up the matter of the bad condition of the road from Poonch to Shri Budha Amarnath Shrine numerous times; however, despite numerous submissions, no maintenance or blacktopping of the road has been done as of yet. People can’t move their vehicles smoothly, and after rain and bad weather conditions, this situation gets worse as the drivers of the vehicles cannot find a safe way to move ahead while driving, and their vehicles get stuck in the potholes.
As everyone is aware, the yearly pilgrimage known as the Shri Budha Amarnath Yatra will begin in the next month. Pilgrims will come from all across the nation to pay their obeisance to this revered Lord Shiva Shrine. Even today, during this auspicious month of Sawan, thousands of pilgrims are visiting daily Shri Budha Amarnath Shrine from all parts of the Union Territory and the country, and they are encountering difficulties because of the poor condition of the road on this route.
The District Administration of Poonch is well aware that there are many locations with potholes that are so vast that they not only harm moving traffic but also pose a serious safety risk. People are frequently inconvenienced by the road’s poor condition from Poonch to Shri Budha Amarnath Shrine, which is rather problematic for those in the car. It is the primary responsibility of the District Administration of Poonch to provide better facility i.e., road to pilgrims as well as locals.
But for so many years, people living in this area have faced problems while travelling on this route. The poor condition of the road also makes it difficult to move patients and other sick individuals. The main reason for the poor condition of this road is water logging and the use of inappropriate material during blacktopping. Since the level of the road is not checked while maintaining it, water gets accumulated during heavy rains and damages the road.
As a result, the water drainage system needs to be improved, and it needs to be repaired immediately. Additionally, it shortens the lifespan of road and necessitates constant maintenance. Doing the same work again and again puts a financial burden on people and the Government. The District Administration should also take legal action against the contractor who didn’t provide quality road maintenance; such contractors should also be put on a blacklist. The proper widening and upkeep of this road are essential, according to the promotion of religious tourism in this remote and rural region of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, so that travellers arriving from all over the nation to this revered place of Lord Shiva won’t experience any difficulties.
Ronik Sharma

PDD issues inflated electricity bills
We the residents of KC Hazuri Bagh , Bohri, being responsible citizens of Jammu, appreciate the initiatives taken by the Power Development Department ,Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir , towards curtailment of theft in electricity consumption by installing smart meters in Jammu city. However at the same time we have many resentments as under:
Almost all the consumers have received bills dated 13th July for the month of June for hefty amount , which do not commensurate with the average monthly bill of previous months.
One fails to understand , why so unimaginable quantum jump in the recent bill amount for the said period. How do PDD justify present bill of approximately Rs 6000 to Rs 10000 to a consumer, whose average electricity bill ranges from Rs 600 to Rs 900 Even the usage of one AC of one and half ton capacity for the month under reference does not justify such a huge jump in electricity bill. This needs clarification from PDD to satisfy an average consumer having limited monthly budget.
While shifting old meter with Smart one why the last reading of old meter is not advised to consumer before replacing old meter with smart meter. How one can satisfy himself/ herself with regard to genuine reading of electric consumption.
Who bears the cost of new meter, PDD or the consumer. If it is shifted to consumer , then the consumer has every right to have warranty/ guarantee card from the PDD and decide quality of Smart meters to be installed.This is in view of many complaints regarding these smart meters with respect to their standard quality.Even bursting of these meters have been reported from many areas.
While installing these meters, the connection to the street lights gets disconnected putting the streets in pitch of darkness .
We hope the PDD department will take note of these grievances and make suitable arrangements / find ways to satisfy an ordinary consumer.
S K Pandita,
Amit Jamwal
and others on behalf of
KC Hazuri Bagh residents

Repair Nagrota road patch
Attention of the concerned authorities is drawn towards the bad condition of Jammu-Srinagar National Highway near Amar Mahal Jammu. The stretch from Amar-Mahal to Nagrota which is full of bends and curves is damaged at various places. Numerous pot-holes have emerged all along the stretch. These are the real trouble spots and need to be repaired at the earliest. Due to rains these potholes can prove to be very dangerous.
Besides, Amarnath and Vaishno Devi pilgrims are thronging in huge numbers to these holy places as such it is the duty of the concerned agency to maintain roads on regular basis so that these pilgrims and tourists have a smooth and safe ride.
Devinder Sharma

Water shortage in Jawahar Nagar
This is to draw attention of the Jal Shakti Department Jammu towards water shortage in Jawahar Nagar locality. The residents living at the tail end of the colony are worst sufferers of this water shortage. The authorities have been time and again informed about this shortage but no steps have been taken so far to redress this issue. It is mentioned here that the pipes which were laid sometime back are of small diameter, and do not meet the water needs of the residents.
Therefore, it is requested that these pipes be replaced by new pipes of bigger diameter so that every household gets sufficient water to carry on the day to day water requirement. Hope the plea is considered in the interest of the residents.
Vinod Kumar
Jawahar Nagar, Talab Tillo

Revive business of Basohli
The Basohli town and hundreds of the villages in the proximity having borne the brunt of the migration due to the ponding of RSD reservoir has not recovered from the shock of destruction due to the mass scale migration even after the construction of Atal Setu in 2015.
The natives expected that the business and the employment of youth will revisit Basohli once again. But their expectorations were belied by the inactive and discriminatory attitude of the UT Government. It was expected that the commissioning of the Atal Setu will rejuvenate the business of the area and open new avenues of employment for the idle youth but all proved a dream as a result the business of Basohli is gradually fading day by day.
There are plenty of resources for enhancing the trade of Basohli by boosting the tourism of Basohli and its surroundings, by utilizing the Atal Setu for the interstate trade and vehicular traffic, by creating new avenues for skill trainings to the youth.
Instead of accelerating and promoting the business of Basohli markets the markets of Punjab and Himachal Pardesh have been in competitions for grabbing the Basohli market. All the articles from the kitchen to the daily use are being imported from Pathankot and Himachal Pardesh leaving the Basohli market to destroy at its own.
There is a restricted movement on the bridge with the result, Baohli a treasure house of trade and hub of tourism has been reduced to a fish market. The shop keepers are feeling difficulty in making both ends meet of their family. The market gives deserted look even during the peak hours of the day.
The UT Government is requested to help revive the business of Basohli by allowing trade between Punjab Himachal and Basohli Bhaderwah and Doda. Boosting the tourism and establishing industrial estate, establishing some prestigious educational institutes concerning to medical, engineering and other career making faculties and introducing the programs as envisaged in many developmental schemes of PM for the youth and the small shop keepers. It is a high time for the govt. to act and save the this town from starvation and un employment on humanitarian grounds.
Shiv Kumar Padha