Water sports gaining popularity in Kashmir: Joint Director

Swimmers posing with dignitaries during selection trials at Srinagar.
Swimmers posing with dignitaries during selection trials at Srinagar.

Water Sports activities underway in Srinagar

Excelsior Sports Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Sept 18: The Youth Services and Sports Department’s Inter-School district level selection trials in swimming for boys of the different age groups was inaugurated by Joint Director Kashmir here today.
Hundreds of youth from different Government and Private Schools of District Srinagar participated in the trials which will continue till September 20 at Nehru Park Srinagar. Girl students shall also participate in the trials of the sport on the concluding day.
Joint Director Kashmir Waseem Raja assured that the Department would put in all the possible efforts to involve maximum number of youngsters in various activities of water sports in coming days.
“Great for fitness and fun, research shows water sports have a visible impact on mental and physical wellbeing of a person. Water Sports is gaining popularity in Kashmir with each passing day.” he added.
Raja appreciated In-charge Water Sports Excellence Centre Nehru Park Bilquees Mir and her team for being a helping hand in organizing the camp. District Youth Services & Sports Officer Srinagar Ghulam Hassan Lone and other senior officers of the Department were also accompanying the chief guest on this occasion.