BOPEE scam

In our view the Board of Professional Entrance Examination scam is many times more damaging and scandalous than even multi-crore 2G Spectrum or Commonwealth Games scam or even the Coalgate. While these scams are about stealing money, the BPOEE scam is about destroying entire community of meritorious students. It is tantamount to attempting at the destruction of larger society present and future. Young and meritorious students seeking admission to professional institutions are going to be an asset to the society as they are the instruments of development and progress. In particular entry of meritless students through fraud and deceit in medical institution is a heinous crime with horrendous dimensions and consequences. It is a crime against humanity and perpetrators of this crime, more than the implicated students, deserve to be given exemplary punishment. Thanks to the Crime Branch that has unearthed this calumny and most condemnable fraud and pursued it at the court of law.
The Court has minced no words in exposing the big deceit of fraudulently admitting 12 undeserving and meritless students to MBBS course and thus denying these seats to those who deserved them in their right. Advocate General admitted before the court that ten more cases of fraudulent admittance are being investigated by the Crime Branch. It is no small an incident that twenty-two candidates, who never deserved to be admitted have managed it through money power or through political influence. The Court has directed the BOPEE to throw out indicted students and fill their vacancies by the merit holders according to their status. This is for the first time in the history of the State that such a large number of fraudulent admissions in MBBS have been discovered with a clear and threadbare verdict of the court in regard to action to be taken.
Now that this felony has come to light, it is incumbent upon the State authorities to find mechanism of uprooting the evil for the future. There seems to be a full racket working to accomplish the act. The Crime Branch should bring to public domain all details pertaining to the case, and expose all involved persons. It will be reminded that the government did move in the case of an examinee copying in the examination hall and the inquiry pointed finger towards a minister who was sacked. This means the law is in place, the inquiry and investigation are in place; all that is needed is the firm decision of the higher authorities to put an end to the cancer.
This incident reflects abysmal degradation of moral standards of the community. After all they the victimised  students have gone through trauma for no fault of theirs and the entire fault is of the administrative organ. The bribe money that has changed hands should be diverted for compensating trauma and mental agony of the deserving and meritorious students, who will now begin their career after the court meted out justice to them.