Awareness campaign on HIV/AIDS organized for drivers at HPCL Depot

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 28: An awareness campaign on HIV/AIDS was organized today by Department of Blood Transfusion Medicine of GMC Jammu in collaboration with ISBTI (Indian Society for Blood Transfusion and Immunohematology, J&K), NGO SUPPORT and Rotary Bahu.
The campaign was organized to aware the transporters, drivers and associated staff of HPCL about HIV/AIDS, its route of transmission, prevention, signs and symptoms and testing & treatment facilities available in all the Government hospitals, which are free of cost. The transporters, drivers and other associated staff were also given awareness about other STDs like syphilis which may also be associated with HIV.
The key note speakers Dr Naveen Aktar (Consultant, Transfusion Medicine GMC Jammu) and Dr Navneet Kour (founder chairperson, NGO SUPPORT and secretary general ISBTI J&K Chapter) conducted the awareness campaign/workshop pledged to conduct such awareness campaigns in the region, so that precious lives could be saved and more testing could be done.
During the awareness campaign, they stressed upon avoiding high risk behaviour associated with HIV infection and need to take the test and treatment if someone feels he/she may be infected. Dr Kour also stated, “HIV & AIDS is a global concern and sharing information for better understanding that it is controllable/manageable is an important concern on part of NGOs and societies working on it,” Dr Kaur added.
She said through NGO SUPPORT, they have been working since past 20 years to create awareness year in our communities, with annual awareness campaigns that promote the importance of being tested and making the right treatment decisions.
The Senior Depot Manager Ashish Samalia and Abhishek Karmani (Assistant Manager, HPCL POL Jammu Depot) was also present on the occasion.