Return Rohingyas

Apropos to news item headlined ”Rohingyas settle at vacant plots ” by Sanjeev K Sharma DE dated October 3, 2023. It is submitted as follows:
There is no doubt that people of Jammu are facing multiple problems due to the illegal presence of Rohingyas in some parts of Jammu. These people are reportedly engaged in security issues, thefts, narcotic smuggling, flesh trade etc. Unfortunately no sincere efforts were made from the Government side to deport these illegal immigrants from our city and now the politicians are also not raising their voice against this important issue. Also no media house has raised the issue as was done by this newspaper reporting that these people have managed illegal water, power connections’ and even ration card and other documents. Taking such an important issue of public interest by sending your reporter to collect details of the problem and publishing the same in your esteemed newspaper reflects your concern for the society of Jammu. We are thankful to you for this but we also expect proper follow-up of the news story till the authorities concerned rise from their slumber and returned these illegal Rohingyas.
O P Sharma
Gyan Jyoti Bhawan
Old Janipur, Jammu