Metrolite for Jammu, Srinagar cities yet to get approval of Union Ministry

H&UDD awaits official communication from Union Ministry
* Projects imperative to boost public transport system

Mohinder Verma

JAMMU, Sept 24: The much-needed Metrolite, a light rail urban transit system, for Jammu and Srinagar cities has yet not received the approval of the Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs although proposals in this regard along with all the requisite formalities were submitted by the Housing and Urban Development Department of J&K more than a year back.
Official sources told EXCELSIOR that during the past nearly one year no official communication has been received from the Union Ministry regarding the status of the proposals. “We simply know that after detailed analysis the proposals were forwarded by Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs to the Department of Expenditure of the Union Finance Ministry”, they said.

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“Since huge expenditure is involved for start of Metrolite in Jammu and Srinagar cities the necessary approval from various quarters in the Government of India is imperative as such no time-frame can be specified as of now for clearance of the proposals”, they further said while admitting that this mode of transportation is imperative for both the capital cities of the Union Territory keeping in view congested roads and various other factors.
They again said, “after necessary approval from all the relevant quarters the proposals will have to be finally placed before the Union Cabinet headed by the Prime Minister for clearance and it will be only after that tentative time can be specified for start of work on the projects”, adding “as per the Detailed Project Reports (DPRs), the Metrolite in Jammu involves an expenditure of Rs 4825 crore and Rs 5734 crore for Srinagar”.
Earlier, there was proposal for Metro line on the pattern of New Delhi and other major cities of the country but the same was not found feasible for Jammu and Srinagar cities because of congested roads, commercial and residential establishments along the route where Metro was planned to be operated.
Later, Metrolite was found feasible after various studies, assessments and surveys undertaken by the experts in the field, officials of the Union Ministry and administration of J&K.
“Metrolite is a light rail urban transit system for cities with lower ridership projection. Moreover, Metrolite has some advantages over metro rail including lower cost and as they have only elevated corridors as such negligible land acquisition is required”, sources said, adding “the coaches of Metrolite are generally modern, lightweight and made from stainless steel and aluminum and have the air-conditioning and other facilities”.
As per the DPRs, Jammu Metrolite route includes two lines-Line 1 will be from Bantalab to Greater Kailash in Phase 1 and will be extended to Bari Brahmana Railway Station in Phase 2. This line will have elevated stations and an interchange station at the Exhibition Ground. The Line 2 will be from Udheywala to Exhibition Ground.
The Srinagar Metrolite will also have two lines— Line 1 will be from Indra Nagar to HMT junction covering a distance of 12.5 kilometers and in Phase 2 the line will be extended to Pampore Bus-Stand. The Line 2 will connect Hazuri Bagh to Osmanabad covering a distance of 12.5 kilometers and this line will be extended to Srinagar Airport in Phase 2.
According to the sources, Metrolite in both the capital cities will boost public transport system and economic activities and help commuters in safe and early transportation from one part of the city to the other.