The defenders of Pir Panchal region

K D Maini
The Romeo Force of Rashtrya Riffle popularly known as ‘The defenders of Pir Panchal Region’ is a well trained organization for physiological warfare to combat terrorism within the country. This force have complete liaison with Awam, administration and police authorities due to which the war against foreign terrorist is being fought effectively. Presently six sector of Romeo force is stationed in Surankote valley, the center of Pir Panchal Region. Due to their rigorous efforts on the heights, glens and forest of this militancy infested area, they have contributed the situation and the terror activities have been contained to great extent in this region. After the last terror attack near Shahstar Shrine on 4th May 2024, in which an IAF soldier was killed and four jawans injured, no further strike was allowed to take place in this sector by adopting anti-terror measures, deployments of forces in vulnerable locations, activation of local intelligence and use of most modern devices. On the tip of field information during search operation this force succeeded in arresting sympathizers and associates who provided logistic support to terrorists. These arrested associates belonged to nearby villages around Shahstar Range. Six sector also identified two dreaded terrorist involved in Shahstar strike namely Abu Moze resident of POK of Jash-e-Mohammad and Wasim Ahmed code name Ali Bhai resident of Punjab Pakistan of Al Badr outfit. This could happen due to effective action of forces against terrorist with the cooperation of peace living people of Suran valley.
On 16th September 2024, by acting on a specific information, the six sector with the help of police succeeded in arresting a person at Potha Bypass from a vehicle with a bag which contained three grenades and explosive.This is another example of perfect intelligence network and prompt action by Romeo force.
After the successful operation of Serp Vinash launched by Romeo force in collaboration with police, Pir Panchal Scouts and help received from the grazers in high pasture areas during 2003 under the command of an experienced General H.S. Lidder, the terrorist were dethroned from all the heights of Pir Panchal Region and got vacated 70 Kms long Hill Kaka bowl where the terrorist had established their Headquarter of so called Pir Panchal Regiment. During this operation about 65 terrorists were killed and rest crossed the LOC. By this way, the backbone of Pakistan sponsored terrorism in J&K was broken. This was the reason that President Parvez Musharraf of Pakistan had announced unilateral ceasefire on 23rd November 2003 which was effected on 26th November 2003 after the consent of Indian Government. Then during the visit of Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpaye of Pakistan in January 2004, President Parvez Musharraf had declared that the soil of Pakistan shall not be allowed to use for terror activities against India. Therefore complete peace prevailed in this region from 2007 to 2019. Due to this reason Pir Panchal Region was declared as zero militancy zone and even some forces were withdrawn from the militancy infested area.
However, the abrupt rise in terror activities witnessed just after the abrogation of article 370 on 5th August 2019 and Indo-China conflict at Galwan during 15th and 16th of June 2020, Pakistan again revived militancy to keep Kashmir issue and keep the pot boiling for its international implications. Therefore after the pause of 15 years the Pir Panchal Region became the first target of terrorist when on a specific information the security forces entered in Chamarer village near Dehra Ki Gali on October 11th 2021, were ambushed and intercepted by the terrorist in which a junior Commissioned Officer among five jawans were killed and terrorist managed to escape from the site. For the first time this strike was claimed by the ‘People Anti Fascist Front’ (PAFF) and ‘The Resistance Force’ (TRF) which were the code names of Pakistan based Jash-e-Mohammad and Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorist organizations. These so called outfits with new orientations of Guerilla warfare equipped with most modern weapons and devices like Satellite phones, night vision cameras was a dangerous move of Pakistan to revive militancy again in J&K.
Rigorous efforts have been made by Rashtrya Rifles in destroying the hideouts of terrorist in forest areas, hideouts and inaccessible locations of Pir Panchal Region. The terrorist are kept on run due to repeated counter terror operation, creation of intelligence cells in the affected areas, plugging routes and passes with the cooperation of peace living people of this region. Now it has become difficult for the terrorist to cross the LOC, sneak in forest area and strike. With the domination of Romeo force in this region, the terrorist have started shifting to other places and Districts of Jammu province where they are being chased to end this new wave of militancy created by Pakistan.
The positive sign against this nefarious plan of Pakistan was the well preparedness of Rashtriya Rifles meant for such warfare in low intensity conflict. The non-cooperation of the natives of Pir Panchal region towards terrorist contained their activities mostly in forest areas. They were not welcomed by the locals in their houses. Therefore the terrorist hide themselves in thick forest areas, caves and disadvantageous locations far from Basties to survive. Furthermore, the Pakistani terrorist could not convert Shahstar range into their base camp on the pattern of Hill Kaka as they did during nineties. Therefore with the increase of pressures of security forces, the terrorist widened the domain of activities to Kathua, Reasi, Udhampur and Doda due to scanty forces. However after the reinforcement of forces in those Districts, the terrorist are being chased properly.
Apart from striking on the security forces the terrorist have also targeted small minority in the villages. The first such attack was in Dangri Village of Rajouri on 1st January 2023 in which five people of Hindu minority community were killed and several injured. Such type of incidence can happen in other minority pockets also. It is essential to provide security to minority population by constituting Village Defense Committees and erection of security posts in those areas.
The other reason for combating terrorism is the proper training of defenders for counter militancy operations, adoption of modern techniques, orientations and weapons used to counter terrorism due to which they could not sustain and convert area into their base camp, neither they get any support from the public to continue their activities. This happened with the noncooperation of natives to terrorist and provision of specific information of their presence to defenders. It is vary essential that Army, Awam and administration must be on the same page. The positive factor of this scenario is the natives of Pir Panchal Region are fully engaged in developmental activities. Their participation in Parliamentary election and enthusiasm for ongoing assembly election, involvement in Gram Sabha level works, provision of employment under MGNREGA and free ration to natives living below the poverty lines have kept the general public in the mainstream. Therefore there in no alienation factor among the public. They only want tension free life, peace, progress and prosperity for their better future.
Sadbhavana Program is an important factor of interaction between Army and Awam, but it is not the only factor. The friendly attitude, soft behaviour and human approach of security forces is also helping the situation. It must be ensured that the goodwill should travel through rank and file to the natives. The contingents posted in militancy infested areas must know about the historical, cultural, ethnic and religious background of the people of their area. The faith and belief of the people must be respected by participating in social functions and mingling with the common people which creates sustainable goodwill on the ground and native feels that this is their own Army. Such friendly relations are important weapons in low intensity conflict and psychological warfare. The battle field of such warfare is in the heart and mind of the natives. Therefore the war against militants can be won only by winning the hearts and minds of the people residing in that area. It appears that the defenders are well aware about the above facts due to which they could prevent the terrorist from converting Shahstar range into second Hill Kaka.