Undeniable, need for quality education is directly felt in these days. But, what the quality education is, requires with explanation. Materialistically speaking, education needs to be quality based to face the challenges of globalised society. But real education means attainment and enrichment of moral, social and ethical values. A man bereft of such virtues can’t be a good citizen, no matter any amount of degrees one stands loaded with. Education should be spiritual in nature to the extent to cut the roots of evils, the society stands subjected to the phenomenon of corruption is entirely due to materialism perpetuated only by those who are proud of having quality education. When even people of high achelons haven’t been left untouched of this malice (corruption) what good can be expected from a man in a street. Therefore, inculcation of moral values should also form the part of quality education.
In fact, quality education should be able to build quality citizens, an invaluable asset,a country can be proud of having corruption like slurs thickly prevailing in the society can only be eradicated if true education is given to our generation. Sincere efforts in this direction is the crying need of the time and therefore, every endeavour for propagation of moral values in the society can’t be over emphasised.
Yours etc….
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunderbani)