India’s veiled message

The writing on the wall is amply clear to every Tom, Dick & Harry that UPA type of political establishment stands swapped with Modi led NDA dispensation but it appears the rulers in Pakistan and their cronies in J&K have not been able to comprehend the veiled message. Modi Govt.’s top agenda is governance and development of one and all through concerted efforts of entire team of masses. However, the accomplishment of this bold initiative and nationalistic resolve presupposes peaceful internal and external environment, which at the moment is a far cry. Therefore, it is going to be the biggest challenge of Modi’s dynamic and aggressive leadership. Hither to China and Pakistan have proved to be the major stumbling blocks and strong irritants in our onward journey towards progress and economic supremacy in the world. Making a comparative analysis of the two inimical neighbours we find China very clever and deceitful. They have the uncanny knack of timing and also understand the intensity of their economic stakes in Indian market. As such they are cruising ahead with due caution and diplomatic manoeuvers.
Contrarily Pakistan is too unwise and intractable. Their military establishment and the Govt. are totally out of sync. NDA Govt. is looking for a thaw in mutual relationship but they take pride in resorting to unprovoked cease fire violations in the R.S Pura, Arnia, & Samba sectors targeting the civilian population. They have also enhanced their nefarious terrorist activities in the valley. In the wake of these developments coupled with their usual rhetoric on Kashmir issue and nexus with branded separatists of Hurriyat conference Foreign Secretary level talks have been cancelled. This is a clear paradigm shift in Govt.’s earlier status-quoist stance vis-à-vis Pakistan who are already reaping the toxic crop of the seeds of hatred and intolerance sown by them. They are well advised to focus on their internal unrest, rein in the fundamentalist zealots and gear up the developmental activities in their own country. They should also remember Indian Parliament’s resolution for liberation of PoJK. Sooner the better they should relinquish  their claim on illegally occupied Jammu & Kashmir and pave the way for peace and prosperity in the Indian sub-continent. Pakistan should further refrain from constraining India to exercise military option in the changed scenario.
Yours etc….
P.C. Sharma
Trikuta Nagar,