CEC declares Takmachik as eco-model village

Excelsior Correspondent

CEC inspecting apricot dryer at Takmachik.
CEC inspecting apricot dryer at Takmachik.

LEH, Sept 2: CEC, LAHDC, Rigzin Spalbar has declared Takmachik an eco model village and said that a MoU would be signed shortly in partnership between LAHDC, Panchayat, Takmachik and LEHO to start with the formulation of the project and its implementation by March next year.
On the occasion EC Agriculture Sonam Dorje, President LEHO Dr. Din Mohd, Director LEHO Raziya Sultana, District Horticulture Officer, Leh and Horticulture Development Officer, Khalsi were also present.
Spalbar stressed that every Ladakhi must have a broad vision and desire to make Ladakh a stable, developed and progressive district in future. Moreover, he stressed on sustainable development to ensure a reliable and self dependent Ladakh for the future generation. He said that given the present opportunity every Ladakhi must work hard with perseverance and interest in carrying forward ancestral occupation and make the land based economy a sustainable source of income generation.
Spalbar emphasized that making judicious use of ecology and natural resources we must make efforts to attract our youths back to the villages and help them get engage in progressive farming and other entrepreneurial jobs rather than looking just for Government jobs. He stressed on inclusive work culture with equal participation of villagers and panchayats along with Government in decision making, policy framing and work implementation.
On behalf of Council, CEC gave full assurance to give financial assistance to get started with the model village project in Takmachik and other kind of support from the allied deptts like Agriculture, Horticulture and Tourism. He directed the EC Agriculture to work in coordination with the allied deptts, LEHO who would provide skill, method, technology and funds and Takmachik panchayat to draft the project report at the earliest possible keeping a holistic perspective.
President LEHO Dr. Mohd Din said that the farmers of village Takmachin producing a large quantity of apricots and there was a big problems for drying the apricots. He said that at present the LEHO has provided two type new technologies for drying the apricots. One Tent type and another green House type which can protect the fruits from rain and dust. He further urged upon the farmers for grading and quality packing of the apricots.