This has reference to the news item ‘Road Ministry to unveil draft motor bill tomorrow’ DE Sept 12. There is an urgent need of presenting to people a Motor Vehicles Bill which may take into account the safety of motorists and pedestrians on priority basis. It should also include severe punishment for people indulging in careless and rash driving. Heavy penalties should be imposed on those violating the motor vehicles Act. There should also be some provisions for road accident victims. These victims need to be provided quick relief by way of shifting them to nearby hospital or clinics without waiting for legal formalities to be completed. The provision of providing cashless treatment to victims at nearby health centres should also be incoprorated in it.
Besides, the road infrastructure needs to be upgraded. The roads in our cities and towns or in peripheral areas is not upto international standards. The road network in hilly areas is quite dangerous with the result a good number of accidents occur in the region.
When all these measures are taken into account, only then we can ensure safety on roads.
Yours etc….
Rakesh Jamwal
Ganganagar Bantalab