Swami Parmanand Ji delivers religious discourses for 2nd day

Swami Parmanand Ji giving religious discourses at Nanath Ashram. -Excelsior/Madan
Swami Parmanand Ji giving religious discourses at Nanath Ashram. -Excelsior/Madan

Excelsior Correspondent
SAMBA, Oct 16: Thousands of devotees thronged the Akhand Dham Nanath in Ghagwal tehsil of Samba district for the second day today to hear the religious discourses being given by Swami Parmand Ji of Haridwar.
Swami Ji, while giving the religious discourses asked the people to have a true faith in dharma which is the ultimate truth and leads one to attain perfection in spiritual life.
Swami Ji said that those who chose the path of dharma attain the goal of life and overcome all their problems and become free from bondages of world.
He said the dharma is solution of all problems in life and those who devote themselves to dharma and righteousness become the perfect human beings and they can also attain salvation.
Swami Ji also asked the devotees to remain aloof from bad companies and devote themselves in the service of God and mankind. Maintaining that dharma is key to progress he advised the people to work for unity in society and not for its division.