Unfair to comment without reading Sachin’s book: Dravid

     Mumbai, Nov 4:

Former India captain Rahul Dravid today said he won’t be commenting on each and everything batting maestro Sachin Tendulkar has written in his autobiography, adding that it would be unfair to comment on any issue without reading the book.

Tendulkar, in his soon-to-be-released autobiography ‘Playing It My Way’, has written that Chappell visited his home just before the 2007 World Cup and suggested about making him the Indian captain at Dravid’s expense.

“I have made some other comments yesterday on what I have information about, which is that it was a private conversation between two people. So, it is hard for me to make a comment on that and actually say what happened or what didn’t happen. It is up for the two individuals to figure out what happened. I don’t really want to make a comment on that sort of conversation or whether it happened or whether it didn’t happen or what happened.

“So, the rest of the book, look I would like to read it. There is a lot of the other stuff. Without reading it is quite unfair to make a comment and after I have read it, if I do feel like I want to say something then I will,” he told reporters on the sidelines of a Gillette event.

Tendulkar had also suggested to the Board to send the team without the coach to the World Cup in 2007 and asked if he agreed with the view in hindsight, the former Karnataka batsman said he didn’t have to comment on everything the batting icon says.

“In what context Sachin has mentioned, what has he said, it is hard to make a comment on something that you are hearing from the media and getting snippets of. So, wait to see what the context is and what this thing was. I am not going to comment on every single thing that Sachin Tendulkar says. I don’t need to be able to be commenting on everything that Tendulkar says,” he said.

Asked about the upcoming series in Australia, the 41-year old said youngsters would have an opportunity to learn Down Under.

“I think it is a great challenge and hopefully some of these young Indian batsmen, irrespective of what happens on the tour, there is a lot of learnings to be had on a tour of Australia. Something I loved going to, irrespective of success or failure, I always came back from a tour of Australia feeling like I had been in a contest and I had learnt something,” he said. (PTI)